How To Write A Love Letter

Writing letters is considered by many romantics to be a lost art form, but who says it can’t be revived in the form of writing a love letter? Modern romance equals heart emojis, swiping, risqué comments, and sliding into DMs replace traditional gestures in this era. Writing a love letter might just be the ultimate romantic gesture.

No matter whether you want to dedicate this letter to a current romantic partner or to someone you’re pining for. Here are a few tips to help you win them over with a love letter.

Address Them Tenderly

Instead of addressing the letter to their name plainly, write something sweet or cute. If you have a pet name for them, you can address them with that. Examples for inspiration include darling, love of my life, heart and soul, true love.

State The Intent Of  A Love Letter

Obviously, the purpose of a love letter is to express your love, but what made you want to write this letter in the first place? Are you apart and do you miss them terribly? Are you at work and they suddenly crossed your mind? Is the love letter for a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary? Whatever the circumstance, ensure to write it in the letter, but don’t describe it just as it is.

Phrase it as lovingly as possible. Instead of writing “I miss you,” you could write “There’s not a moment that passes that I don’t long to feel your touch.” Instead of writing “I was at work and thought of you,” you could write “The drudgery of work was made bearable by the thought of your breathtaking smile.”



Include A Romantic Memory Or Reference

If you’ve been together with the person you’re writing this love letter for quite some time, you have a huge library of romantic memories to choose from. Write about your favourite ones. Write about the moment you fell in love with them and knew they were the one. Describe the lead up, the event itself, and the feelings you felt in as much detail as possible. Another memory to write about it is the moment you met.

“If you have a meet-cute story, write about it rom-com style,” advises Agnes Kim, a lifestyle writer at 1day2write and Write My X. “Depict every shy glance, every moment of hesitation, and every awkward detail.” This memory could also work if you’re dedicating this letter to a crush. Include the emotions you felt when you first saw them in your letter. Another option is to write about a cute romantic reference. If you’re familiar with the movie and novel, The Notebook, you can reference how one of the characters, Noah, wrote letters to his love, Allie every single day for a year even when he received no response.

Describe In Great Detail Their Most Endearing Qualities

Write about all the things you love about them and don’t hold back. Include the traits you love the most as well as the small things they do that make you feel grateful they exist. If this is for an occasion such as a birthday or anniversary, you probably want to spend most of your letter writing about this. Your intention while writing this part is to make them feel as loved and appreciated as possible.

Explain Their Positive Impact On Your Life

Similar to writing about their endearing qualities, writing about the ways they’ve changed your life for the better will make them feel valued. “A love letter is your chance to write about what they mean to you,” explains Yvonne Athey, a journalist at Phdkingdom and Britstudent. “And how your life will never be the same without them.”

It’s not easy to spill all your romantic feelings on a piece of paper. It takes a tremendous amount of courage and vulnerability, and for that, you should be proud of yourself. Writing a romantic letter to your significant other or crush is such an underrated romantic gesture. Underrated yet very effective. If all goes well, your significant other or crush will return the affection with their own sweet, romantic gesture.

George J. Newton is a project manager and content writer for Assignment writing services and Next Coursework. He has a very patient wife of over ten years, who is his biggest supporter. He also contributes his writing about love and relationships to websites such as Research paper help.

Looking for Love

How to Find East Asian Women Looking for Love?

There is a common stereotype associated with Asian women, they say that they are very feminine and sexual and never challenge their spouse. For this reason, most western men are drawn to Asian women, especially those from eastern countries like China and Japan.

If you are someone who has a fetish for East Asian women and is searching for one looking for love, you are in the right place because we are here to provide you with better ways you can increase your chances of finding love.

There are different ways to find East Asian women looking for love, and below are two of the best practices:

1.      Sign up to a Dating Site for Asian Women

The best place to start looking for romance is online dating. Some couple of years back, no one thought it was wise to find love online. But now it is widely accepted and is one of the better ways to find a special someone.

Since you are in search of a lady looking for love from countries like Japan, Hong Kong, China, and Korea, then the key to finding that special someone is to choose a site or app that host Asian women, rather than just signing up to any dating site that you come across online.

Sites that are used for online dating can be tailored to many factors. Some of them focus on a one-time meeting for pleasure, while most of them are dedicated to facilitating long-term relationships. The best dating sites are typically the ones that encourage long-term as well as long-distance relationships.

Some Asian dating sites are filled up with unserious people who want to fetishize, while some are reputable and can provide you with a deeper connection.

2.      Explore Eastern Asia Countries to Find Love and Relationship

Suppose you aren’t one to go online to find love. In that case, you may want to take a vacation and explore countries like China, Macau, Japan, North, and South Korea, where there are lovely and sexually interesting women looking for love and relationship.

You would have to make the necessary preparations for your travel, such as getting to know more about their languages and getting familiar with their cultural differences. This website link here has a list of things to do in East Asian and the best places to meet sexy women.

You also need to learn more about East Asia women before you even venture on your trip.

Below are a few things to know about Asian women:

·         Family is Very Important to Them

The truth about most girls from countries like china, japan, the Philippines, and Korea is that the influence of social media does not sway them compared to most western ladies. Compared to the many carrier-oriented women, most women from Asia put their family first before any other thing, which makes most western men attracted to them.

·         Their Family Are Welcoming of Most Suitors

As we’ve earlier mention, their family is essential to them. The family institution is sacred in Asia and has been that way for a very long time. You can expect that the women in particular countries like China and Korea would never forget about their roots, and if you as a companion can be willing to accept that, the family, in turn, would show you respect and love and treat you as one of theirs.

·         They Are Educated and Well-Behaved

There is no denying that Asian ladies are very well-mannered compared to most out there. You can expect a lady from the North and South Korea to be always kind and polite to people, and most importantly, treat you with love and still be respectful to you.

They are also well educated, and most can even speak and understand the English language. You can check this website to learn more about connecting with Asian women.

Picking the Right Partner

The most suitable person for you is one that compliments you. And this is important when looking for someone of Asian descent to date. It doesn’t matter the part of the world they live in, you should be a connection that drives you both irrespective of cultural and religious differences. And if you are serious about getting it right with your search for romance, below are some of the things you should try.

·         Consider your Needs

What do you want in your ideal partner? Of course, they don’t have to be Superman or Barbie, but you want to be realistic with what you want if you are going to meet someone compatible. If you want just a casual hookup and not interested in anything serious, you should ensure you avoid platforms for finding love and marriage.

·         Go on a Few Dates

Before committing to anything serious, you want to make time to get to meet people. And if you use a dating app to find partners, you will have to meet after days or weeks of chatting. You want to meet up in public for drinks, movies, or do anything fun together. It doesn’t have to be anything serious, and you don’t want to get intimate yet until you are sure emotionally.

·         Don’t Rush Sex

This one is a must if you wish to get any meaningful connection with your date. Sex should be reserved until you both are sure you want to get physical.

There is a lot of tension that goes with sex, and you can expect to feel awkward about sex on the first date. But still, this does not mean that you don’t get to explore the beauty of the sexuality of East Asian women. If you want to get true love as well, you should hold off on the intimacy.

Take Away

The easiest way to meet an East Asian girl looking for love is through online dating sites because there are many reputable ones out there. Still, it is not a guarantee that You will find a hottie, and everything will work out fine. You need to learn many things about the woman you want, her values, her interest, language, and background to have a successful relationship.