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Dating Apps For Travellers

Dating apps for travellers are gaining traction, making online meet-ups more common and shedding previous stigmas. These platforms are evolving beyond just setting up traditional dates, attracting solo adventurers keen on connecting with fellow enthusiasts or locals eager to share insider tips for making the most out of a visit to their city. It’s even got to the point where gay men use things like Gay Webcams to find other men to travel with. And straight people use a site like to find like minded females and males. Having a dating app that caters to travellers is like having a tour guide that knows what hot spots and bars to check out in their neighbourhood.

You need to be direct and honest from the beginning about your intentions if you want things to remain platonic and free of romantic expectations. When you are overseas, you must take the same safety precautions as you would at home.

Here are the top 3 dating apps for travellers:


TourBar will let you meet more travellers while on the go than you ever could have imagined. Making friends (or finding dates) in advance is made easy by the digital matchmaking app, which connects you with travelers and locals. Imagine you’re planning to go to Glastonbury Festival, and one of your friends cancels at the last minute. TourBar can assist you in finding someone to meet while you’re there.

By eliminating solitude while traveling, this app is geared towards travellers looking for local guides or friends to explore the area with. Using the app, you can find anyone else going to the event. Your choice of partner is entirely yours. Within the app, you can start chatting and making plans once you accept. Visit for more details.

There has been a lot of media attention to this site, negatively (by generalizing that girls using it are hired escorts) as well as positively, whereby journalists have shared their own experiences with it. The site allows users to find travelers or hosts in their hometowns that they can show around, or simply stay in a hotel near someone who lives there. Although you cannot always book flights and accommodations together, the system also allows you to do so.

In my opinion, this dating site is not a “sugar daddy site,” as some media portray it to be. The purpose is to find someone who also loves traveling that you can travel with without regard for who pays. Getting acquainted abroad should be done in your home country first. The website is a subscription-based service.

As a dating site for travellers, this site can also be used to find friends or companions.

Instead of traveling with someone like MissTravel, it’s more about traveling with locals from abroad. In addition to meeting locals, they are also hoping to find love. The app is free. Skout and Airtripp are other free apps with very similar features. offers a unique platform for travelers to connect with locals, enhancing their travel experience through genuine interactions. Unlike traditional travel apps, it emphasizes building meaningful relationships with people from different cultures. Users can explore destinations with local insights, making their journey more enriching.

The site’s free access makes it an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers. Other similar free apps like Skout and Airtripp also facilitate connections with locals and fellow travelers, providing various options for users seeking companionship on their adventures.


dating apps for travellers


5 Essential Tips For Staying Safe When Using Dating Apps For Travellers

1. Vet Profiles Carefully

Pay close attention to details in user profiles. Look for verified profiles to ensure authenticity. Be cautious of profiles that seem too perfect or lack depth, as they might be fake. Use search engines to cross-check information for added security. Explore their social media accounts if possible to verify identity. Look for consistency in their stories and photos.

Profiles with few details or generic responses are red flags. Use in-app verification features when available. Researching thoroughly can prevent potential scams or dangerous encounters. Always prioritize your safety when interacting with new people online.

2. Keep Personal Information Private

Avoid sharing personal details like your full name, phone number, and home address. Protect your accommodation information for safety. Start with necessary information only, and gradually share more as trust builds. Avoid discussing financial details or sensitive information early on. Use the app’s communication tools for added privacy.

Ensure your social media profiles are private and not easily linked to your dating app profile. Be cautious with sharing your daily routines or travel plans. Always prioritize your privacy to safeguard against potential risks.

3. Use In-App Communication Tools

Stick to the app’s messaging system for safety. These tools often have built-in security features to protect users. Avoid moving to personal phone numbers or social media too quickly. In-app communication can help verify a person’s identity. Report any suspicious behavior through the app’s safety features.

Apps often have moderation to detect and manage inappropriate messages. Keep conversations within the app to maintain privacy. Use app features like video calls to verify authenticity before meeting. In-app tools provide a safer way to communicate initially. Prioritize your security by utilizing the app’s designed protections.

4. Meet in Public Places

When planning to meet someone, choose a public and well-populated location. Avoid secluded areas and let a friend or family member know your plans, including who you’re meeting and where.

5. Trust Your Instincts

Listen to your gut feeling. If something feels off about a person or the situation, don’t hesitate to back out. Your safety should always be your top priority, even if it means cancelling plans last minute.

Are dating apps for travellers safe to use?

If you’re tired of being bored abroad, need a change of pace, and are already familiar with dating apps like Tinder, why not give it a try? Being able to think on your feet is crucial. It’s important to look up their profile, talk to them first, ask for their profile on social media, and stalk them. Establish boundaries beforehand, meet at a public location – all the obvious stuff. Never forget to tell others who, and where you are going.