Types Of Love

Who would think that there are different types of love! Experts agree that seven well-defined types of love exist, each with its own idiosyncrasies, character, flaws, and attributes.Since man first stepped foot on this earth, discovering love has been an integral part of being whole.

Learn about natural love or as the ancients called it AGAPE.  Or the love of family Storge.  The enduring love based on friendship known as Pragma.  The deepest love of them all, by loving unconditionally Philautia.  Of the love of friends and communication Philla.  Or those that are playful in love, almost narcissistic Ludus.  And finally discover intimate and sexual love of Eros.

This site dedicates itself to the different types of love and how they can impact your life and the lives of those you care for.


Center Of Agape Love

“Agape love” is not similar to the type of “natural love” that we as people with sinful nature produce. Our “natural love” is the kind that spirals inward and only zeroes on our loved ones and ourselves.

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Parents Loves

Storge is one such concept that aims to explain the love parents feel towards a child, and vice versa. While not limited to the parent-child dynamic, storgic love is defined loosely as a familial love.

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Pragmatic love or Enduring Love

The pragmatic lover will often have a very clear idea of the kind of person they would like to have as a partner. Their idea of what their partner should be can be precise down to very exact physical features, character traits, lifestyle and outlook.

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Self Love

Philautia is mainly a matter of unconditional self-acceptance, with a moment of appreciation and empathy for oneself thrown in. Can you acknowledge yourself unconditionally…

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Philia, often translated “brotherly love”, is one of the four ancient Greek words for love: philia, storge, agape and Eros. In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, philia is usually translated as “friendship” or affection.  The complete opposite to philia is called a phobia.

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Types Of Love - the game of love

Lee’s colour wheel assigns the colour blue to Ludus, or Playful Love. The Greeks described it as the kind of love that young lovers or children feel. Ludus, defined as “sport or play,” leads its lovers to view love as a game.

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Types Of Love - Eros is his relationship with Psyche

Eros (the Greek counterpart of the Roman Cupid) is well known as the boyish cherubic figure depicted in all forms of art. The formation of myths depicting Eros as the son of Aphrodite (Venus) and Ares (Mars) occurred much later than the original myth.

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