Buying Your First Dildo is a highly personal decision. It’s very easy to make a mistake the first time and end up with something that doesn’t work for you. It can be overwhelming to even look for the ideal toy. Here are some expert tips for you.

First, ask yourself what you want to do with it. Beyond pleasurable sensations, think about what size would be best, the extent, to which you need penetration, and more. Sometimes people just want to be penetrated. More often, they crave a new experience. Consider what you want to feel at this moment.

If you’re the adventurous type, you could try a new size or shape in case you only have experience with one single kind. Alternatively, stick with what you like if you know what it is.

Hitting a Certain Spot With Your First Dildo

Dildos stimulate targeted spots, internal or external. A curved dildo will touch the G-spot when you penetrate yourself with it. Some are curved at the tip; others in the middle.

Solo or Partner Use

If you’ll be using it solo, it’s best to get a hands-free dildo or one that’s easy to hold at the very least. It’s important to have a reliable suction cup. However, if you’ll be using it with a partner, it’s a different story. Obviously, the most important consideration is who will be penetrating whom. You can use a strap on or hold the dildo in your hand. There are dildos that work well with harnesses and others that don’t work as well. If your partner is male, there are plenty of toys he will enjoy.

Consider the Size

It might not be optimal to go for the hugest possible size your first time. Massive dildos require experience. But if you must…hey, it’s what you want. Some people are tremendously aroused by the idea of shoving something large inside. There’s a lot to explore in this direction especially if you are shopping for strapon for pegging. Most men wouldn’t be comfortable using a large pegging strap-on.

In addition to that, you simply can’t have enough lube with a large dildo. Don’t skimp on it by any means. You should use water-based lube with TPE dildos and some silicone ones. Silicone-based lube works with metal and glass and some silicone dildos. It is thicker than water-based lube and enables more extended play.

Sometimes a small dildo is the better option. For anal penetration, starting small is best. Get a slender one if you want to try double penetration.

An excessive size can cause discomfort if it reaches all the way to the cervix. You need a lot of patience, time, and lube to work your way up to a larger size. Don’t rush into penetration. Foreplay is of essence here.

Alternatively, you run the risk of getting something that’s too small. If it’s too short, it will miss the G-spot and other important zones. If it’s too thin, it might not give you the feeling of stretching that you’re looking for.

Since it’s your first time buying a dildo, starting average is probably most reasonable. Look for a size of around four inches in length with a one inch diameter. For most vaginas, this size should be fine. It might be too much for anal sex though, especially if you have no experience with anal penetration.


your first dildo

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What Material to Look For In Your First Dildo

There are all kinds of sex toy materials – silicone, metal, glass, wood, rubber, jelly, and TPE to name a few. What’s best and safest? How do you know what you’ll enjoy most? It’s very hard to tell in advance. This section has some details to help you make the best choice.


Silicone is one of the highest-quality materials for sex toys, but there are plenty of affordable products. It’s firm enough for pleasurable penetration, but also offers a slight give, so it’s not too rigid and painful. Some silicone dildos are completely smooth. Others are more lifelike with ridges, veins, or both. They come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and colours.


This is a very common material. It is soft and realistic and comes with a very affordable price point. The lifelike sensation is its main selling point. On the minus side, you can’t sterilise TPR/TPE dildos because this material is porous. No cleaner is guaranteed to work. You should use it with a condom and water-based lube.


Dildos made of glass are more popular than you may imagine. The more expensive products are completely safe. What’s more, glass dildos are highly appealing visually. Some are clear; others feature splashes of color. They come in creative designs and shapes.

Glass is perfect for experimenting with different sensations. You can put it in the fridge or warm it up for interesting temperature play.

You can use any kind of lube with a glass dildo. They are made of special glass that’s unbreakable and shatter-proof.

The best thing about glass dildos is probably the hygiene factor. It’s very easy to clean – you need nothing but water and soap. The same goes for metal ones.


Just like glass, this is a completely safe material that’s ideal for temperature play. There is less room for creativity with these dildos compared to glass ones with their quirky designs. They tend to be simple, smooth, and sleek. Metal creates a highly enjoyable sensation. You can clean it with a toy cleaner, soap and water, or just by throwing it in the dishwasher. It works with all kinds of lube as well.


Maybe you’re looking for a cheap dildo as it’s your first time and you don’t want to make a costly mistake. It’s highly likely to be toxic, so this mistake will be costly even without costing a lot of money. The material and size are things that definitely matter with your first dildo.

Your first dildo is an important purchase, so don’t rush into it. It will set the stage for all further exploration and experimenting. To avoid being disappointed with your first dildo, look at all the options available to you.