sex bed

Using the 5 love Languages in the Bedroom

The 5 Love Languages A lot of people may have heard of Gary Chapman’s 5 love languages, (and if you haven’t) – A book that describes that every person has a different type of language that they both communicate and… Read More

dating chat line

Everything You Need To Know About Dating Chat Lines

Do You Know About Dating Chat Lines? Dating chat lines are a dime a dozen, so it may take some time to find the right one for you. One of the best places to look is, this site is… Read More

dating introverts

A Way For Introverts To Date: Chat Lines Are Great

A Great Way For Introverts to Date If you are the shy thoughtful introvert, your dating history may look more like a thin notebook rather than a heavy romance novel. It’s not that it’s any less interesting to read, it’s… Read More

the mirror has two faces

Movies About Love: The Top 10 Underrated List

Underrated Movies About Love Movies about love often get a bad rap, dismissed as sappy or unrealistic, but they hold a special magic that’s hard to deny. Think about it: love is one of the most universal experiences, touching everyone… Read More