Sexual Relationship

Healthy Sexual Relationship

Description: Sexual health is one of the foundations of a strong relationship. It’s crucial for your health and wellbeing. Discover the secrets to building a healthy sexual relationship to strengthen the bond with your partner.

Characteristics of Sexually Healthy Couples

Healthy sex life is essential for your health and wellbeing. It strengthens the bond with your partner and makes the relationship fun and fulfilling. However, most couples have to deal with a sexual health problem at one point in the relationship. This could be from sexually transmitted infections or other emotional factors that affect how you connect.

In many societies, you will find expectations about when, with whom, and how often individuals should have sex. These expectations place a rigid frame in which each relationship must be based. Many people are put off from experimentation because they’re conditioned to believe anything out of the norm is unhealthy or abnormal.

What is a Sexually Healthy Relationship?

When people ask, ‘‘what is a sexual health?’’ The World Health Organization describes it as a respectful approach to sexuality with the possibility of enjoying pleasurable and safe sexual experiences.

A healthy sexual relationship, therefore, is a state of emotional, physical, and social wellbeing. It’s not just the absence of infirmity or disease. Both individuals in the relationship must be psychologically and physically content with the nature and frequency of their sexual encounters.

In a healthy sexual relationship, a couple will protect against unwanted pregnancy, STIs, sexual assault, coercion, and pain. Each person should also understand how to get a sexual health check to ensure they don’t expose their partner to the risk of infection.

Characteristics of a Healthy Sex Life

Sex and intimacy are prevalent topics because sexual intimacy is a vital part of marriage. This is also a highly misunderstood area of a relationship. If you’re wondering if your sex life is healthy, here are characteristics you should aspire to achieve.

Honest Communication

You cannot advance in any area unless you learn how to communicate. Talking about your sexual desires is important in establishing a firm foundation for your marriage. You can freely ask a sexual health question and discuss areas of your sexual life you need to improve.

If anyone feels shy about specific topics, it could be a sign your relationship lacks the freedom you require to open up on every topic. Always communicate with a desire to improve your relationship instead of trying to achieve individual wellbeing.

professional help

Seeking Help from Healthy Sources

How often do you come together to find a sexual health clinic near you? Visiting a sexual health clinic is an essential part of your relationship as it helps you protect your sex life by ensuring both of you are healthy and use the right protective measures.

Dysfunctional sex life can break your marriage, so seek to establish a healthy relationship that provides satisfaction and protection to both of you. If you’re in doubt about certain topics, visit a professional for guidance.


Healthy Frequency

Sometimes, you may have a higher sex drive than your partner. This could mean disagreement on the frequency of having sex, which could be detrimental to the relationship if not addressed. It could be as a result of an underlying issue or addiction, so you must go for sexual health screening to understand where to start.

What’s a sexual health screening? This includes tests for STIs and other conditions that may place your sex life at risk. Once you pinpoint the problem, agree on a healthy frequency that serves both of you adequately.


Healthy Boundaries with Others

If you use the best online dating sites to find your partner, you should steer clear of such platforms once you enter into a relationship. Sex addicts encounter difficulty establishing healthy boundaries. Creating healthy boundaries protects the relationship and is a way to declare your respect for your partner’s presence in your life.

If you’re not in alignment on type of intimacy or frequency, be open to your partner and discuss everything you believe could help your relationship improve. In addition, there should be no coercion, pain, or degradation. Only pursue what’s permissible between you two.

healthy boundaries


You have a lot to gain from a healthy sexual relationship. However, don’t place your chief desire on yourself but your spouse. Sex should feel natural. It allows you to express selfless love and desire for your partner. If you use it as a means to satisfy your selfish desire, it will damage your relationship. Hold it as a give and take, a situation that rewards each person equally.

Talk to your partner about visiting an ACT sexual health and family planning center to understand how to plan for your future. Avoiding unexpected pregnancies and STIs helps you enjoy being in a relationship


Mutual Vulnerability

Experiences from your past could act as a barrier preventing you from being physically and emotionally vulnerable. Also, stigmas about sex could keep you from exploring the joy of sexual intimacy. If you’re facing difficulty being vulnerable, discuss with your partner.

You could also visit a counselor or look for options for sexual health volunteers to get a deeper understanding of how to build an intimate relationship. Above all, be honest with your partner to ensure that things they initiate don’t make you feel uncomfortable. You should also seek to know what they find acceptable.



Building a healthy sexual relationship is possible if you work on a mutual connection. You should discuss your sex life and deal with areas that make you uncomfortable. Being able to open up and explore new ideas adds the spark to your sex life, making your relationship more fun and satisfying.

Each person is different, so don’t assume what works for you will work for your partner right away. Make it easy to share sensitive information as this is the way to remove barriers to your fulfillment. If you’re finding it challenging to solve your problems, visit a therapist for guidance.

Do you have questions about sexual health? Ask in the comments below to find the right answers.


Author’s bio:

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.

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