Learn Your Dating Personality Type
Did you know everyone has a dating personality type? Well, it’s true. Even though we’re all different, there are certain habits we display while dating that are consistent. While most people consider predictability a monotonous characteristic, it’s crucial for learning your dating personality type. If you’re interested in reading a personality type guide before the next time you hit the best dating sites for a perfect match, you’re on the right track. Besides, you can find as many as twenty personality type descriptions online. Below, we cover some of the main ones.
The Dreamers
The dreamers are the most fantasy-driven personality type during dating. They constantly imagine what could be from their dating life even when they aren’t dating. They’re prone to having detailed fantasies about their wedding, or about getting back with their exes, or imagining events with their crush. You may be part of the dreamers personality type if you’re constantly thinking about one person even if they haven’t shown any interest in you.
Another common characteristic of this personality type is that they aren’t enthusiastic about dating someone they don’t feel passion or chemistry for. Dreamers typically set comparisons for potential partners against their “ideal” partners. Dreamers don’t believe in anything that isn’t love at first sight and usually take time moving on if their feelings aren’t reciprocated. Unfortunately, this personality type is generally taken advantage of by people who aren’t interested in dating them and only want their affection because of this characteristic.
The Martyrs
Martyrs personality type is those that are in “forever-entanglements” and unfulfilling relationships. Their most distinct characteristic is that they let their partner choose them even when they aren’t interested. They’re prone to enter relationships with people who will take advantage of them or mistreat them.
If you call out the partners of this personality type for their ill-treatment, Martyrs will make up excuses for them. They are “serial monogamists” and will enter new relationships because they fear “hurting” someone else’s feelings. This personality type is typically empathetic, but they can also easily forget their desires and needs while losing their sense of self-worth in the process. If you think you may belong to this personality type, research on dating personality type by gender so you can avoid the common pitfalls of being a Martyr.
The Avoider Personality Type
Avoiders never take the initiative in anything. They avoid meeting new partners and get easily frustrated at the thought of engaging themselves in dating. This personality type avoids dating efforts and isn’t comfortable with “being seen.” Avoiders usually hope that they don’t have to put any genuine effort into finding a suitable partner and prefer any connections to be made organically. They prefer to date people they meet through school, friends, or work. This personality type has an ingrained belief that love will magically happen and is intimidated when potential partners pursue them. Even when tempted, they will back off a trip to one of the amazing places their date may have planned.
The Charmer
The Charmer personality type exudes magnetism and a natural charm that makes them attractive to other people. Characteristics of this personality type are that they’re highly socially intelligent and feel more energized by the relationship at its initial stages. They aren’t natural believers in monogamy and feel it is unrealistic.
This personality type will leave behind a trail of short relationships (or have no history of any) that don’t go beyond the initial seduction phase. Charmers are passionate about falling in love, attract many potential partners at once, and are incredibly impulsive. Before you fall in love with a charmer, you should do a personality type compatibility test, or you might get heartbroken.
The Nurturers/ Protectors
This personality type is naturally drawn to partners they can protect or care for. They feel the need to help out partners when they’re going through distress, and they’re attracted to the potential of their potential partners. They may want to encourage their partners to nurture a personality trait or an unrealized talent. It isn’t uncommon for this personality type to date partners that are much younger or at a different stage in life.
Personality type key: learning what yours is before you get into the dating scene is crucial. It’ll let you understand which common pitfalls to avoid that work to your disadvantage during dating. Do you know your personality type? What has changed about your dating life since you found out?
Speed Dating – It’s Not For Everyone!
Let me introduce you to the world of ‘Speed Dating’. Speed dating is a formalized matchmaking process created to connect eligible singles. Attendees are given the opportunity to meet with large numbers (approximately 15) of new potential partners in a very short period of time at a relaxed informal setting. One set of the speed daters, usually women, stay seated at the same table, and the opposite group moves from table to table. This table-hopping method has been compared to musical chairs. The difference is, when the bell rings, the next seat the dater takes is predetermined. The speed dater progresses from table to table until each participant has had a chance to meet the other.
At the end of every event the organizers compare note sheets from the attendees. If both parties mark yes to the other, the company will forward you their details to take dating into your own hands.
Now I’m not saying you are going to meet your prince or princess charming but it definitely cuts out a lot of the time wasting and BS that goes into dating. Have a look below at some of the pros & cons of speed dating to see if its right & interesting for you.
1. It’s almost over.
Unlike traditional dates that can drag into hours, speed dating guarantees that you’ll only be talking to one person for 5-10 minutes. This is ideal for when you’re talking to a total dud or complete jerk- you just have to remind yourself it’s ending super soon. You don’t have to
suffer for long, no matter how attractive or obnoxious they might be. If this situation happened at a regular date over dinner, you would have to put on your brave face and suffer for the next hour or so & try find an excuse to leave. Basically, you’re wasting a lot less time
on the bad people.
2. Everyone is there for the same reason.
Everyone is single and interested in meeting new potential romantic interests. Basically, everyone is in the same boat; you’re not alone. It’s not like you’re walking into a random bar where half the people are in relationships, the other half are looking for a one night stand, and 3 out of the 50 people actually want a relationship.
At speed dating events, you’re all on the same page, which should make you feel calm, confident and at ease knowing you’re all there for the same intentions.
3. Variety is the spice of life.
If you’re someone with a very particular taste in men or women, speed dating might not be ideal for you. But if you like meeting a wide range of individuals with different physical qualities, careers, interests, and life views, then you’re in the right spot. There’s such a wide variety of men and women at these events that you’re bound to meet a few that you’re intrigued by. And even if you walk out not interested in anyone, at least, you had an interesting and social night off of your couch.
4. You’re putting yourself out there.
At the end of the day, speed dating is better than sitting on your couch, alone and single with a glass of wine and some Netflix. You’re not going to meet anyone if you don’t put yourself out there.
1. It’s not for everyone.
Regular old dating can work for just about everyone in modern society, but the same can’t be said for speed dating. Some people just can’t dig the vibes of talking to 10-15 people on one date. For some, it’s too overwhelming. For others, it’s too impersonal. Whatever the reason, this form of dating is certainly not one size fits all. Some people simply can’t get into it.
2. Not enough time.
While some people might consider the short amount of time spent with each person is a good thing, for others it’s quite the opposite. You’re given 5-10 minutes to figure out the person well enough to know whether or not you want to pursue them. There’s obviously a lot of pressure that comes with that strict time limit because you’re scrambling to ask all the important questions on your mental list.
No matter how great the conversation is, it’s hard to find out exactly who the person is in that short allotted time. It’s simply unrealistic and honestly encourages you to be bias based on physical attraction. When you’re given such a short period to get to know a group of people, at the end of it you’re probably just going to go for the best-looking people.
3. It’s competitive.
Unfortunately, the amount of people who are at a given speed dating event can make you feel competitive and even insecure. When you take a look around, you can’t help but size up the other daters as your opponents in a dating game. This could even make you start feeling insecure because you’re comparing yourself to all of the other people there. Even if you walk away from a person feeling great about your conversation and feeling interested in pursuing your connection, they could have had an even better connection with someone else. It’s a huge guessing game that could potentially leave you feeling worse than when you got there, especially if you’re a naturally insecure person.
4. You might not be getting the cream of the crop.
Are we stereotyping here? Yes, but one of the more classic and obvious cons is the fact that the people who attend might be social misfits of sorts. People who don’t do well in regular social settings or have a hard time getting far in the dating game are usually the first people to sign up for a speed dating event. That means that the people who do end up at an event could be desperate or undesirable.
After you have finished your speed date why not end the night with a bang by checking out the amazing range of adult accessories at adultsmart.
Author’s bio:
Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.

Rick has been involved in the adult lifestyle and sex toy industry for more then 25 years. Rick is an active sex blogger who provides a wealth of information and experience. He is an advocate of equality for gender and sexuality.